Drainlaying Services

Having invested considerable capital to ensure our crews could operate with the very best tools and resources possible, we’re committed to delivering a service that is second-to-none when it comes to speed and efficiency.

Working alongside construction professionals in both the commercial and residential sectors, our greatest strength lies in our ability to get in, get the job done, and get out again, causing as little on-site disruption as possible whilst producing quality results each and every time.

We take pride in our work and in our ability to operate efficiently in collaboration with other trades. We understand that the builders we work alongside, be they independent contractors or building companies of significant size, have made commitments to their clients with regard to timeframes, deadlines and budgets, and we recognise the role we play in keeping to those promises.

With considerable hands-on experience and vast industry knowledge, our drainage specialists can offer advice and direction, and are happy to meet onsite for an obligation-free consultation or to provide a quote.

Our professional drainlaying services include:

  • New housing
  • Alterations
  • Light commercial
  • Septic tank systems
  • Percolation Tests for Building Consents in the Selwyn District Council region